Ramiro's Heart Was Weak but His Will to Live Was Strong

March 22, 2023

Ramiro, patient testimonial image

An active man in his early 60s, Ramiro woke one day with shortness of breath. His physician daughter took him to the hospital to have his heart checked.

“They told her I was lucky I arrived today, because tomorrow will be very late,” said Ramiro.

After transfer to Memorial Regional Hospital, he was seen by Miguel Castro, MD, advanced heart failure and transplant cardiologist, Memorial Heart & Vascular Institute.

No blockages were found in an initial heart catheterization.

“Because his heart was very weak, he required inotropic medication to support his organs,” said Dr. Castro.

While the cause of his weak heart was uncertain, once he stabilized he was treated over time with heart failure medication.

“Just nine months later, my heart was fully recuperated,” said Ramiro.

“He was very motivated: compliant with medications, exercised, watched his blood pressure and diet … and that's the reason I think he got better,” said Dr. Castro.

Ramiro’s Heart Failure Story

Ramiro, holding his dog
Despite his weak heart, Ramiro’s strong motivation to recover included strictly following the advice of his team at Memorial Cardiac & Vascular Institute. Watch his story.