In the Community
We offer community-based healthcare through a thriving network of community programs and initiatives.
As one of Florida's leading healthcare systems, we are well known for delivering exceptional patient- and family-centered care. Yet beyond the quality medical care we provide at our various hospitals and clinical settings, we offer community-based healthcare through a thriving network of programs and initiatives that touches the lives of more than 200,000 Broward County residents each year.
Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) requires tax-exempt hospitals to create a hospital Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) every three years. Below you can view or download the most recent CHNA for South Broward Hospital District, developed alongside community stakeholders.
The purpose of this CHNA is to assess and identify significant health needs (and resources potentially available to address them) of people residing in South Broward County. The health needs of a community include the improvement or maintenance of health status, both in the community at large and in particular parts of the community, such as particular neighborhoods or populations experiencing health disparities.
Community Health Needs Assessments and Implementation Plans
- Community Health Needs Assessment – Implementation Plan 2024-2027
- Community Health Needs Assessment – Executive Summary Report 2024
- Community Health Needs Assessment – Annual Update 2021-2024
- Memorial Healthcare System – CHNA Report
- Memorial Healthcare System – Implementation Strategy CHNA 2021-2024
- Memorial Healthcare System – CHNA Report
- Memorial Healthcare System – Implementation Strategy CHNA 2019-2021
Memorial Healthcare System In the Community

that health is about more than hospitals
and that communities are stronger when
we offer a helping hand since its
inception and 63 years ago we've always
given back to the community seeing our
presence in the community at large I
just don't know of our health care
delivery system at least in Broward
County that can even come close to the
amount of time spent out there in the
community we believe the key is in being
proactive introducing residents to the
resources we offer for regular check-ups
and screenings taking care of them at
that level Casas penny
compared to if they wait and wait and
wait and then they end up in some
long-term care we also know that life
can be challenging and sometimes health
care isn't the most pressing issue on
people's minds one memorial program
helps kids who were inching out of
foster care at the age of 18 if it
hadn't been for the memorial program oh
no like some days I was I might've went
hungry because like you know everybody
need help everything I did I was
appointed a life coach from Memorial so
she was very supportive and that time of
need like I needed somebody so I got out
there and I think I had to do by my
apartment within a month and I moved in
and everything
at Gulfstream middle school in
Hallandale Beach a wide variety of
after-school programs are giving kids a
boost we have an hour of academics we
have tutoring we have counseling we have
home visit a parent education the stem
lab which is science technology
engineering and math what we used to
design these objects is Rhino which is a
software in the computer in the future
we're going to be making organs out of
these and other bones and vital things
we need in our life what the program has
done for me has given me a sense of hope
because Memorial finds new ways to keep
me intrigued and keep me focus in my
education we're also reaching out to our
neighbors through events designed to
increase awareness and health education
whether it's at the Tour de Broward
sponsoring fitness at a local park or
bringing in safety tips to school groups
we're always looking for new ways to
connect we partner with agencies such as
women in distress child net United Way
so many other agencies that complement
our health care services as a public
hospital system memorial also serves as
a safety net for at-risk and
underinsured people through the six
clinics of South Broward Community
Health Services prevention is the name
of the game so what we want to do in
Memorial is to be able to look at health
care and said how can we really make
people healthier it's helped here is
that thick here it's really more about
nutrition and exercise classes and we
really have a phenomenal breadth of
programming to offer to our patients our
employees volunteer thousands of service
hours to the community each year it's
important to them to make a difference
in every way not just in our four walls
but beyond those four walls we are
committed to reaching out because we
know that working together is our best
chance at building a stronger healthier
Broward County I figured if I shine the
dark nooks and crannies of people around
me would illuminate the pain eliminate
we're not shine
we shine together

Patient- and Family-Centered Care
We treat patients and family members as partners in healthcare.
It matters to you. It matters to us.
Quality and Safety Data for Memorial Healthcare System
Our goal is to provide our patients with the information they need to make informed choices for themselves and their families.
View Quality and SafetyYou have a Right to Know About Prices
We want to give you the information you need to make important healthcare decisions, including the costs of our services.
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