Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery Changes Marc's Future
December 15, 2016

After living in pain for years and putting off a hip replacement, Marc was out of options. At age 57, by his own admission, his quality of life was suffering. Severe pain was constant.
“Getting in the car – I was like an 80-year-old man trying to get in there,” he said.
Marc decided to go to Memorial Joint Replacement Center, which specializes in anterior hip replacement surgery – a less invasive procedure than traditional replacement surgery.
“Marc had a total hip replacement through an anterior approach, which means there are fewer restrictions in terms of activities after the surgery” said Marc’s surgeon, Daniel Sheldon, MD, medical director, Memorial Joint Replacement Center.
Four hours after his hip replacement, Marc was walking with a walker. That evening he was in physical therapy. Now pain-free, Marc is able to work, exercise and participate in family outings again.
“I should have done it earlier,” he said. “I can’t turn back the hands of time, but I can change the future. And I did.”
Marc is Moving Pain-Free After Hip Replacement Surgery at Memorial