Richard Davis, MD

Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Plastic Surgery

The Center for Facial Restoration

18501 Pines Boulevard
Suite 210
Pembroke Pines, FL 33029



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About Me

Dr. Richard Davis graduated magna cum laude from the University of Georgia in 1981with a bachelor’s of science degree in chemistry and a master’s degree in molecular and population genetics in 1983. He earned his medical degree from the Medical College of Georgia, graduating with honors in research and a special commendation for outstanding achievement on the National Board Examination.

In 1992, Dr. Davis completed post-graduate training in ear, nose, and throat surgery at the University of North Carolina. His research in three-dimensional imaging of facial and cranial birth defects received first place honors from the Triological Society's Southern Section. Dr. Davis trained at Oregon Health Sciences University, one of the nation's most respected Fellowships in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 

Dr. Davis joined the full-time clinical faculty of the University of Miami School of Medicine in 1993. During his nearly 15 years there, he garnered numerous awards for teaching and clinical medicine and personally trained scores of young surgeons. In 2007, Dr. Davis retired from full-time academic medicine and founded The Center for Facial Restoration, where he currently serves as the medical director. He remains active in the teaching of facial plastic surgery at the state, national, and international levels.



Medical College Of Georgia School Of Medicine, 1987
University Of North Carolina Hospitals, 1988


American Board of Otolaryngology-Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery

Awards, Achievements, and More


Awards and honors
Best Doctors in America, 2005-2012
Distinguished Physician: A Physician Who Cares, Florida Medical Association, 2005, 2006
UM/Sylvester Service Excellence Award, 2001
Physician of the Third Quarter, University of Miami Hospital/Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2000
Special Teaching Honoree, School of Medicine Class of 1997, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, 1997
Sir Harold Delf Gillies Research Award, Education and Research Foundation, American Academy of Facily Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1993
Nathan A. Womack Surgical Scholarship Award, Department of Surgery, University of North Carolina Hospitals, 1992
Resident Travel Award, Academy of Otolaryngologic Allergy, Schering Pharmaceutical Cororpation, 1991
First Place, Newton D. Fischer Temporal Bone Dissection Award, University of North Carolina Hospitals, 1990-1991
First Place, Resident Research Award, Southern Section of the Triological Society, 1990
Dean’s Student Research Fellow, Medical College of Georgia, 1985
Dean’s Special Commendation for Outstanding Achievement on the National Board Examination, Part I, 1985
National Honor Societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Golden Key, 1977-1981

Professional organizations
American College of Surgeons
American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
American Medical Association
Florida Society of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Miami ENT Society

Recent publications
Rhinoplasty: Cases and Techniques, Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 2012 
“The Thick-Skinned Rhinoplasty Patient,” Master Techniques in Rhinoplasty and Nasal Reconstruction, Elsevier Health Sciences Company (in press)
“Revision of the Over-Resected Tip/Alar Cartilage Complex,” Facial Plastic Surgery, 2012.
“Psychological Considerations in the Revision Rhinoplasty Patient,” Facial Plastic Surgery, 2012.
“Common Technical Causes of the Failed Rhinoplasty,” Facial Plastic Surgery, 2012
“Nasal Tip Complications,” Facial Plastic Surgery, 2012. 
  “Prevalence of Occult Nostril Asymmetry in the Oversized Nasal Tip: A Quantitative Photographic Analysis,” Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, 2011.
 “Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty,” Ballenger's Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 17th Edition. People's Medical Publishing House, 2009
 “The Anchor Graft: A Novel Technique in Rhinoplasty,” Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, 2008.

Guest Speaker, International Master Course on Aging Skin, 2013
Guest Speaker,The Rhinoplasty Society of Europe Video Symposium, 2013
“Powered Hump Reduction, The Over-Projected Nasal Tip, Functional Rhinoplasty, Preventing Complications with Tip Sutures, Improving Outcomes in the Traumatized Nose,” 33rd Cutting Edge Rhinoplasty Symposium, 2012.
“Long-Term Cosmetic and Functional Outcomes in Tip Rhinoplasty,” AAFPRS Fall Meeting, 2012. 
“Safe and Effective Refinement of the Wide Nasal Tip; Management of the Caudal Excess Deformity; Management of the Nasal Bridge; Avoiding Stigmata in Cosmetic Nasal Surgery,” Second University of California Irvine Rhinoplasty Course, 2012
"Nose and Face World,” The International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies (IFFPSS), Seventh International Congress, 2012
“Mentoplasty,” “Primary Surgery of the Nasal Dorsum,” “Primary Surgery of the Nasal Tip,” “Revision Rhinoplasty, Parts I & II,” Fifth Curso de Plastica, Facial Hospital Universitario Son Espases, 2012
"The Nose Inside and Out: Functionally Safe Rhinoplasty,” American Rhinologic Society Fall Meeting, 2011
"Fundamentals of Cartilage-Sparing Tip Refinement,” AAFPRS Fall Meeting, 2011 
"Subtle Hump Correction with Powered Instruments; Addressing the Unsightly Nasolabial Angle," AAFPRS Advances in Rhinoplasty, 2011
"Avoiding Typical Rhinoplasty Stigmata in the Lower Nose," "Correcting Typical Rhinoplasty Stigmata In The Lower Nose," "Matching Surgical Technique To Elegant Nasal Profile Aesthetics," "The Caudal Excess Nasal Deformity: Hiding In Plain Sight," "Power Hump Removal: Using Electricity To Full Advantage," "The Difficult Patient," Sixth Biennial International Milano Masterclass, 2011
"External Revision Rhinoplasty: Strategies for Effective Restoration," AAFPRS Fall Meeting, 2010 
"Nasal Hump Reduction: A New Approach to an Old Problem" and "How I Manage the Under-Projecting Tip," 2010
"Computer Imaging and Nasal Surgery," "Treatment of the Nasal Tip," "Functional Rhinoplasty Panel Parts I & II,” and "Techniques for Nasal Tip Deprojection," 2010
"Aesthetic Nasal Analysis and Computer Imaging," "Versatile Uses of Autogenous Grafting Material,” "Approaches to the Tip and Airway Preservation in Rhinoplasty" and "Tongue In Groove Technique," Rodeo Rhinoplasty, 2010
"Difficult Cases from the Audience and Panelists’ Most Difficult Cases," Rodeo Rhinoplasty, 2010 
Facial Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 2009
"Revision Rhinoplasty," AAFPRS Fall Meeting, 2009 
Alar Retraction" and "External Approach to Revision Rhinoplasty," Advances in Multi-Specialty Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Symposium, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 2009 
“Refinement of the Nasal Dorsum" and "Correcting the Nasolabial Angle," AAFPRS Advances in Rhinoplasty, 2009 
"Ask the Experts: The Twisted Nose," AAFPRS Advances in Rhinoplasty, 2009
Alar Retraction – Avoidance and Correction," Annual Fall Meeting, Florida Society of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2008 
“Tongue-in-Groove Rhinoplasty: An Essential Component of the Cosmetic Arsenal,” AAFPRS Fall Meeting, 2008
"Alar Retraction: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment,” AAFPRS Fall Meeting, 2008 
"Rhinoplasty Dilemmas: The Crooked Nose," Facial Cosmetic Surgery, 2008
"The Caudal Excess Deformity: Diagnosis and Treatment," Facial Cosmetic Surgery, 2008
"Alar Retraction: Avoidance and Correction," Facial Cosmetic Surgery, 2008 
"Safe and Effective Tip Refinement: Making Cephalic Resection Obsolete,” Facial Cosmetic Surgery, 2008