Juans stroke recovery got a big assist from his own mindset

June 12, 2022

Juan, patient testimonial

It’s a scary way to face a new day.

“I just woke up and was not able to utilize my right side of my body,” said Juan. By the time he got to Memorial Hospital Miramar, he was not able to use his right leg at all.

“He had a left-sided stroke that affected the right side of his body,” said Hannah Zilka, DPT, physical therapist, Memorial Rehabilitation Institute.

After inpatient treatment, Juan worked with Hannah through the neuro-outpatient stroke recovery program. Together they focused on strengthening his limbs and also complex cognitive tasks.

“Juan is the most motivated patient,” said Hannah. “That motivation is such a big part of recovery.”

“I’m really glad I was brought in here,” said Juan. “They knew exactly what I needed.”

The combination of motivation, teamwork and expertise allowed Juan to get back to his life and his real estate work after about three weeks as an outpatient.

“Coming here on a flat bed and being able to walk home,” said Juan.

“It was something amazing in such a short period of time.”

Juan’s Stroke Rehabilitation Story

Juan, patient testimonial
His therapist credits Juan’s high motivation to recover from a stroke for helping him get back to the life he loves. Watch his story.