Adult Stroke Clinical Trials

Study Title Description
TCSD-S Transitions of Care Stroke Disparity Study
The TCSD Study will identify disparities in transitions of stroke care and key factors associated with effective transitions of care through structured telephone interviews to evaluate medication adherence, healthy lifestyle, utilization of rehabilitation interventions and medical follow-up 30 days after hospital discharge to home in 2,400 participants across 6 comprehensive stroke centers (CSC) in Florida. A novel Transitions of Stroke Care Performance Index (TOSC PI) correlated with 90-day rehospitalization will be derived and validated.
MicroVention, Inc. Flow ReDirection Endoluminal Device X (FRED™ X™) Post-Approval Study
The objective of this study is to generate contemporaneous clinical data to facilitate a reasonable comparison of the performance of the FRED™ X™ device with the performance of the FRED™ device. The data generated from this study will be compared to the safety and effectiveness of the FRED™ device by meeting the same performance goals (PGs) established for the FRED™ pivotal study.
RESTORE  REal-World Analyses of Stroke - Thrombus Occlusion Retrieval  To collect real-world evidence allowing assessment of functional, imaging, and safety outcomes of MicroVention market-released acute ischemic stroke devices when used at the direction of the treating physician.
WEB PAS  Post-Approval Study - PostMarket Surveillance Study to Evaluate the Long-Term Safety and Effectiveness of the WEB Device  A prospective, multicenter, single arm, interventional study. The target patient population for this study are adult subjects with WNBAs of the anterior and posterior intracranial circulation. The primary effectiveness outcome of the study is adequate intracranial aneurysm occlusion on the 1 year angiogram as adjudicated by a core laboratory.